
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Confession: I Love A Deal, And I’m Never Going Back


My Sons-Oil Painting Effect-3-26-2009

I didn’t used to be so concerned about getting a deal.  I was one of those blissfully naïve people that paid full price for everything and thought nothing of it.  But I’ve learned a thing or two the last few years.  I had to.  It was sink or swim time.  When the finances take a nose dive, you have no choice.  But, I have to say, in the end it made me a smarter woman.

Being a homeschooling mom has also forced me to be even more conscience of my purchases.  See the picture above.  That is one awesome easel.  It’s a classroom quality easel, and I never could have paid full price for it normally.  The local educational resource store had this easel on clearance.  It was missing the little tray that holds the paint, and was marked down from about $80 to $20.  Sounds good to me! Winking smile

Recently I needed a new winter coat.  The old one didn’t fit right anymore.  A local store had a sale on their coats ($16.99), but they weren’t that great, quality wise.  Head down the road to the thrift store.  I walked into the thrift store and found a really nice down winter coat for $16.99 that was much better made than the coat at the last place.  But wait . . . it was 50% off that day.  It was only about $9 after tax.

Today my younger son and I went out to a restaurant to celebrate our birthdays together.  We had a delicious meal, and chocolate sundaes at the end of the meal.  Because our birthdays are less than two weeks apart, we both used our free birthday meal certificates.  My only cost was the tip.

I am learning to be a good steward of what God has given us, and I refuse to go back!

How are you able to save money in ways that blesses your family?


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